Zwanziger - Slovakia

Zwanziger  in  Slovakia

The name Zwanziger and its  alternative variants has been parts of Slovak history for several centuries. It is possible to find out more than 100 persons with this name living in Slovakia now. They are scattered in all Slovak regions but the most of them we could find in regions of Spiš and Šariš. Some families we could find in another regions like us Topolčany, Bratislava, region of Orava and Zemplin. 


My name is Marek Zvanciger. I have tried to find out all possible facts about my ancestors and about  our history in Slovakia for several years. 

The finded results I have processed in this pages. You can find here basic fact about the name Zwanziger and about its origin. You can find  lineages of Zwanzigers in Slovakia. It is processed partially, but I will try to complete it in the future. 

I continue in my search but it proceeds too slowly. New facts and pieces of information I will add to this pages. 

I´m sorry for all possible mistakes and I welcome all your help or usefull  information to  my email: